Ross Keating is a writer and poet
who lives in Sydney, Australia. He is a retired senior lecturer from Australian Catholic University where he instigated Poetry in the Gallery. His idea was to establish a presence on campus for the performance and appreciation of poetry. Ross was also one of the founding directors of the Religion, Literature and the Arts International Conferences first held in Australia in 1994. Ross lectured in the areas of Religions Studies, Sacred Wisdom Texts and Eastern Philosophy. He is married with two daughters and is presently a Director on the Board of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Australia.
His first book, Francis Brabazon Poet of the Silent Word (2002), has been described as the definitive biography of the Australian poet Francis Brabazon. Brabazon was a disciple-poet of the spiritual Master Meher Baba (1894-1969). The book covers all of Brabazon’s writing including his creation of an English ghazal in the 1960’s which grew out of his relationship with his Master while living with him in India.
Ross himself first heard of Meher Baba in 1969 and travelled to India on pilgrimage in 1973 when he was twenty-two. Discovering Meher Baba’s writings gave him a sense of his Master’s divinity; visiting India and finding out first-hand from his close disciples how he lived, gave him a sense of his Master’s humanity.
A First Act (2015) is Ross’ first collection of poems. It has been described as “a collection of very original works in a style that is both easy to read and intriguingly thought-provoking. As a personal journey, the sequence of poems can be seen as footsteps on the path of spiritual growth, although expressed in unexpected and surprising ways.”
His third book, Reading Stay With God (2017), tells the story of four like-minded spiritual seekers in the 1970’s reading together on a weekly basis, Francis Brabazon’s book-length poem Stay With God.
He has recently completed another book of poems, Piling up Boxes (2020). The poems in this collection, add to the beginnings of a new poetry in Australia that gives voice to the experience of living inwardly with a spiritual Master. There is a freshness here, a vitality, a sense of humour, and a love for a very personal Beloved who is the intimate presence in the heart of the poet.
Unity in the Midst of Diversity (from Meher Baba’s Final Declaration September 1954) is a series of essays and reflections on topics of general interest based upon an interpretation of Meher Baba’s life and messages.
I place words on a page
like a boy piles boxes
up against a fence
so I can climb up to look over
and try to see my Beloved
walking about in His garden.
From Piling Up Boxes
© Ross Keating
Essays and Reflections
Essays, reflections, commentaries on topics of general interest based upon an interpretation of Meher Baba’s life and messages.